Welcome to the Information Hub
The purpose
The transition information hub has been created to offer support to young people and families with a learning disability. The hub’s purpose is to help guide our members to information that could help them understand their next options within their transition journey. CC4LD’s (Conwy Connect for Learning Disabilities) North Wales Family Transition service works across the region to ensure young people and families get the support they need.
This space hopes to offer:
an increased understanding of transition in 6 key areas.
an opportunity to share transition experiences and knowledge.
an up-to-date and useful transition resource for our members.
Important note: this resource is a collection of information and online links to some websites we have found helpful. The transition information highlighted on these pages is not exclusive, there are a range of other sources available online. The hub will be reviewed periodically and we will try to act on feedback provided to us. All credit is given to the authors of the websites highlighted in the links show.